Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Welcome to the Te Ako Kahikatea 2017 Blog.

This blog will contain homework, updates and pictures of what is happening in Te Ako Kahikatea.

Homework: Each week students are expected to read for at least 20 minutes each night and practice their numeracy skills. Every 2 or 3 weeks there will be an additional task for the students to complete that will help them with our in class programme. These will always support an aspect of our class programme, such as concept. These tasks can be presented through a shared document in Google Drive, as a comment on the blog post it relates to, on paper or via any other medium that works for you.

Here are some great websites to remember for literacy or numeracy practice at home:  
Dogonews - www.dogonews.com 
Kiwi Kid News - http://kiwikidsnews.co.nz/  
Storybird - www.storybird.co.nz
IXL Maths - https://nz.ixl.com/math/ 
Prototec Basic Facts - http://www.prototec.co.nz/maths.html

Week 5 - 6 Homework
We have been working hard in Kahikatea learning about timetabling, managing time and prioritising. Over the next 2 weeks, time how long it takes you to complete activities you do every day. For example: Brushing your teeth, eating dinner, getting dressed. Use this information to create a timetable of your day. What activities should be prioritised and why? eg: Brushing your teeth should be prioritised over watching TV. 

Bringing your own Chromebook to school - Going Digital
Today’s primary school children are growing up in a world where technology is second nature, and this is changing the face of learning, teaching and assessment.  Newmarket School is an early adopter school.  We keep our eye on global trends.  We work hard to develop our students as good citizens, and also good connected digital citizens.  IMG_5082Our more senior students are highly competent users of technology and use Chromebooks for many activities.  We have had some queries from families who would like their children to use and bring their own personal chrome books to school as happens in other local schools.  We are happy for students to bring their own Chromebooks (sorry no PCs or Mac) as these are light to carry, very inexpensive and connect safely and easily to our school network.  We will do some thinking over the holidays about how this might work at Newmarket School.  If you have any queries or suggestions please contact sonyav@newmarket.school .  
And yes, while the use of technology is here to stay, this does not mean the end of pens and pencils, books, and working in books.   Books are still part of the classroom as are pens and paper, this is now just one way to work, not the only way.

As always, if you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact any of the Te Ako Kahikatea Teachers via email.

Or of course come in to class to have a chat!

- Te Ako Kahikatea Teachers

1 comment:

  1. Hi,
    I spent a long time to read this writing.
    But am i going to be the only person how is going comment on this?
    from Bronte.
