Saturday, May 13, 2017

Term 2

This term we continue our focus on 'What it means to be a human'. We are approaching it from three avenues: Humans as Explorers, Humans as Scientists and Humans as Artists. Each teacher is running an integrated program that will enable the students to explore these avenues fully.

This term we are holding our second round of interviews. We are starting with the year 5 students in week 5 with the year 6 students following in about week 9.

The aim of this meeting is to inform you about:
  • Progress
  • Progress towards the National Standards
  • Goal setting
  • Next learning steps

It is important that students are present at the meeting so they are part of the goal setting process.

We have received many forms back for the year 5 meetings and will contact everyone in the coming weeks with specific times. Year 6 notices will be going out shortly.


As always you should be reading every day for at least 15 minutes. You should also practice your basic facts. The homework tasks below can be completed using google apps or by hand.

Are you an artist?

Are you an explorer?

Are you a scientist?

Choose the area you are focusing on in class and complete your choice of the tasks below:

- Complete a journal entry from the perspective of an ancient artist, an explorer or a scientist. This can be a paragraph, or longer.

- Write a letter to an artist, explorer or scientist. Select someone who interests you. What would you tell them? What questions would you ask them? Make sure this is relevant to WHO they are and WHEN/WHERE they are from.

- Choose a scientific discovery, famous first land discovery/exploration or ancient work of art and create a timeline of what has happened between when it originally happened to now. What are they key events that have taken place? Why has it happened and what impact has it had?